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Parent-Infant Facilitator Training

The Montessori Group offers training and mentoring to assist Montessori educators in starting a Parent-Infant Program or to support you in running an existing program.

What is a Parent-Infant Community?

The Parent-Infant (or Parent-Child) Community is a class that one or both parents attend with their child under age three. Expectant parents may also attend. Parent-Infant may meet one or more times per week. Sessions are usually 90 minutes long. There is one facilitator and up to 10 families per class.

Who should take Parent-Infant Facilitator Training?

If you are interested in providing support to families while their children are still young, bring Parent-Infant to your area! It is recommended that a Parent-Infant Facilitator have Montessori 0-3 certification. We can advise you about the certification process if you are not yet certified.

Goals of Parent-Infant

The goal of Parent-Infant communities is to educate parents while their children are still young. Parents learn to be observant of their child and have the opportunity to gain effective parenting skills and create healthy routines from early on. Parent-Infant is for EVERY family. 

Privacy Policy

Training Format

We are currently offering online training. Upon registration, you will receive 16 hours of recordings, 

resources including the printable Parent Observation Journal, parent handouts, additional recordings, and twelve monthly one-on-one mentoring calls. 


Those who participate online may also join a future in-person training at no additional charge; just contact us to reserve a spot. 



If you’d like more information about Parent-Infant Facilitator Training, get in touch with us!

If you are ready to purchase the class, click the button below to sign up!

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