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2 min read
Favorite Toys and Materials for Home
As a Montessori educator and mother for a few decades, I have developed a fondness for certain toys and materials. I know many of you are...

3 min read
Peaceful Mornings - Yes, They are Possible!
In our society, children are often hurried and given orders, particularly in the mornings. Parents often share that this is when they...

2 min read
Practical Life Activities for the Home
Maria Montessori identified the period from birth to age six as "The Absorbent Mind." Initially, the child forms attachments and bonds...

1 min read
Toy Rotation and Pick-up
By Susan Tracy McDaniel At first, the adult picks up everything. Ideally, the child watches as the adult cleans up. Try not to look as...

5 min read
Home Responsibilities for Children
By Marjory Barksdale and Susan Tracy McDaniel In today’s changing society, children are challenged to become “working partners” with...

3 min read
Family Meetings Build Cooperation!
We started holding family meetings when the first two children were two and three years old and held family meetings for most of thirty...
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